Friday, August 24, 2007

Records of Finished Work

There have been several Lego kits that I have made for the kids since they are too young to do on their own yet. Even with their tiny fingers, they don't have the dexterity to handle the tiniest Lego piece called a stud.

I am beginning to let them try to put together as much of the kits now, especially if the kit has less than 100 pieces. Bionicle is probably the toughest for them as the pieces with ball and socket joints require some extra strenght, even for me. I was surprised when my 8 year old put a small Lego Castle kit together without any help at all. The finished work is something for them to be proud of but what happens after?

THe kids do play with their finished Lego kits for a while. The Lego toy eventually becomes Lego scrap - especially if the youngest one gets a hold of her elder sibling's Legos.

There are some good kits I try to restore (I always keep the instructions). But usually there are too many pieces that are lost.

The best way to perserve the moment of your kids' Lego accomplishment is to take digital pictures of your kids with the finished Lego product. Just make sure you download them on the computer with the tons of vacation pictures you have stored on your 1 Gig memory card.

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