Monday, July 23, 2007

My Lego Site

Here is the first blog on my Lego toy interests. As a kid we were so poor that many times before I reached the age where I get clothing or cash as presents (from family, etc.) , the gifts would be coloring books or crayons. Once in a while I would be cool presents but that is very rare.

My kids would get the kiddie Legos and Megablocks as presents from family events like birthdays or holidays and I would think nothing of it.

Then there came the discovery of Lego Star Wars game for the personal computer. (More about this in another blog). Later, came the discovery of Lego Star Wars kits.

I brought my kid one of the cheaper kits (more about this in another blog) and my kid just wanted to have more. Every kid wants more of everything as a matter of fact. No surprises there. But the kid in me wants even more Lego Star Wars kits. After I get my kid all the cheap kits ($1-$9.99), it was time to buy the higher priced kits. ($10.99-29.99). At this time, I purchased a kit over $30 bucks for myself only because my kids still hasn't learn the lesson of keeping toys. The toys are taken apart to be built into something else so I think if his cheap kits get destroyed and turned into something else, it is okay. At least the kid is creative.

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